Sunday, October 24, 2010

(Update) Clinical Trial for Overweight Dogs

Clinical Trial Participants Spotlight (Part 1) - Steffi

Breed- Shih-Tzu

Steffi is 8 years old and her starting weight is 16.8 pds. She enjoys early morning walks and is quite the social butterfly :) She also enjoys Beef Liver flavored treats. Her mother reported that Steffi has tolerated the exercise belt well from the start. Way to go Steffi!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Congratulations Max on trimming down from 42.5 to 40.5 pounds in 6 weeks. That is almost a 5% reduction in bodyweight. To put that in perspective for everyone. If you are a 150 pd person, you would have lost approximately 7.5 pounds to equal Max's progress. Max did all this without changing his diet whatsoever. Max just added the TrimDog Exercise Belt to his normal walking regimen and poof. Another TrimDog success story. Way to go Max!

The TrimDog Weight Belt Clinical Trial has Begun

The 12 week TrimDog Weight Belt clinical trial has begun. Under the supervision of Dr. Michele Rohrer and her staff at Atlantic Animal Hospital, a group of overweight dogs and their parents will partake in a study to document the effectiveness of walking with the TrimDog Weight Belt. Monthly updates will be posted to document the trial's progress. Stay tuned for future updates.

"Copper" one of our participants