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TrimDog launches new weight loss product to combat dog obesity.
Wilmington, NC - October 12, 2010 - TrimDog, a Wilmington, North Carolina company, geared toward providing products for helping dogs live a healthier and happier life, announced today the launch of a new product designed as turnkey solution for dog obesity.
According to 2009 statistics provided by the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention, 35 million dogs in the United States are estimated to be overweight or obese. Dog obesity is no longer just a concern, but has progressed into a national epidemic. Overweight dogs are at a greater risk for heart disease, many types of cancers, and osteoarthritis.
According to Ike Kinlaw, developer and founder of TrimDog, “The TrimDog Weight Loss System is the viable solution for dog weight loss that society currently needs. As an Exercise Physiologist, BS, he utilized proven methods to help people lose weight for over a decade. When Ike’s own dog, Lily, was diagnosed as overweight; it was only natural that he adapted the same weight loss principles to benefit dogs. “Failure is not an option when your best friend’s life is on the line.”
The TrimDog Weight Loss System provides assistance to enable dogs to safely burn more calories per walk and while at rest, while helping owners understand the importance of a healthy, well-proportioned diet. The first TrimDog Weight Loss System was introduced to Lily, best friend of Ike Kinlaw, the inventor of the TrimDog Weight Loss System and helped Lily shed unnecessary pounds, while living a more active lifestyle.
“The weight loss that Lily demonstrated using the TrimDog exercise belt has been remarkable,” indicated Dr. Michele Rohrer of Atlantic Animal Hospital, Lily’s veterinarian. “She lost almost 20% of her body weight and attained her ideal weight in less than 4 months on the TrimDog exercise belt and walking program. She tolerated the exercise belt well and has maintained her current weight for two months now."
The TrimDog Weight Loss System consists of three components to maximize dog weight loss. The TrimDog exercise belt increases the intensity of each walk to burn more calories per walk, and adds resistance to stimulate the prime muscles leading to an increase of lean muscle mass and higher metabolism. In addition, The TrimDog Weight Loss System provides each pet parent with an overview of pet nutrition basics including: portion control, food choices, and healthy treat alternatives to maximize weight loss.
Jennifer Smart, parent of Cocker Spaniel, Miniature Poodle mix, Max, has been utilizing the TrimDog exercise belt during each walk for the last six weeks and chose not to alter Max’s diet. The result was a healthy period of Max successfully losing nearly 5% of his bodyweight. "I love the TrimDog exercise belt, indicates Smart, Max’s owner. “Not only does it help to burn a few extra calories, it also gives Max the feeling that he is "working" so he has more purpose on his walks. He gets so excited when he sees the exercise belt come out of the closet. It's like he's saying, ‘time to go to work,” added Smart.
About TrimDog
TrimDog was created by Ike and Anna Kinlaw solely to help dogs get fit and healthy. The need to create a safe weight loss solution for dogs was apparent when their dog, Lily, was diagnosed as overweight. After much research and no safe weight loss solutions found, Ike, an Exercise Physiologist, and Anna, a Registered Dietitian utilized their vast experience to create the TrimDog Weight Loss System. Lily’s extraordinary weight loss prompted them to found TrimDog and share the TrimDog Weight Loss System with the world so that all overweight dogs could benefit. For more information or how to order the TrimDog Weight Loss System go to or
TrimDog, 3614 Kirby Smith Dr, Wilmington, NC 28409, 910-233-1057,
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