Saturday, September 17, 2011

Incorporation of the TrimDog Exercise Belt with Hydrotherapy

The TrimDog Exercise Belt is now water-proof and can be used during hydrotherapy: to allow dogs to burn more calories while walking and still decrease the stress on the joints, maintain a more favorable knee angle as opposed to inclining the treadmill while recovering from knee injuries, to stimulate greater recruitment of Type II muscle fibers of the hind legs,and by wearing the belt towards the rear of the dog promoting weight-bearing through the hind legs.

Video filmed at Wilmington Animal Fitness & Rehabilitation

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Dogs lose Weight with TrimDog

*TrimDog Success Story* Spotlight

Meet Max. Max's mommy was concerned about his growing waistline. His diet was already far superior than most dog's because of his mommy's background as a Registered Dietitian. They exercised regularly but Max was still not at his ideal weight. Max's mommy decided to add the TrimDog exercise belt to his regular walks while maintaining his current diet. 6 weeks later, Max was reweighed at his veterinarian's office and had lost an incredible 5-6% of his body weight. Max is now on his way to living a longer, healthier life thanks to Max's mommy and her devotion to help Max get fit and healthy.

After 40 lbs

Before 42.5 lbs

"I love the TrimDog exercise belt, not only does it help to burn a few extra calories, it also gives Max the feeling that he is "working" so he feels that he has a purpose on his walks. He gets so excited when he sees the exercise belt come out of the closet. It's like he's saying, "Time to go to work." Max lost just over 5% of his body weight in 6 weeks.
Max's Mommy
Jennifer Smart, Washington D.C.