Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Win a FREE TrimDog Weight Loss System

We are proud to be a contributor to this great event. All proceeds go to A Place to Bark, a no kill and foster rescue. (http://aplacetobark.com/
For more info on how to win a FREE TrimDog Weight Loss System or many other great prizes go to Johannthedog.com. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ergonomics of the TrimDog Exercise Belt

This video demonstrates the ergonomic design of the TrimDog exercise belt. It will not alter the dog's normal walking gait or hinder respiration in any way. If the TrimDog exercise belt is applied snuggly around the dog's torso it will not slide during walking. Please note the placement of the belt in reference to the dog's limbs. With proper placement, your dog will pay no attention to the belt and will focus more on the walk itself. Now that you have mastered how to properly apply the TrimDog exercise belt, get outside and starting walking. Using the TrimDog exercise belt will allow your dog to burn more calories per walk and allow you to achieve your weight loss goals that much sooner. Walk Less, Lose More.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Overweight? Not Anymore.

Introducing Fate. A Jack Russell who just finished week 5 using the TrimDog Weight Loss System. She went from 13.4 pounds to 11.2 pounds. Quite an accomplishment. Even more impressive, Fate is blind in both eyes. Here's what her mom, Tonya had to say about her extraordinary progress. "Fate is looking so good. I have tried everything to get her to lose weight. Tried walking more, diet changes, etc. She is finally at her ideal weight. She has her waist line back. She hasn't been this size since she was a pup! Thanks so much."

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Clinical Trial Update- 1st Weigh-in

As predicted, all dogs who walked with the TrimDog Weight Belt lost more weight than dogs that walked without it. Dog's not using the TrimDog Weight Belt lost 1% of thier bodyweight on the walking program. Dog's who walked with the TrimDog Weight Belt lost 2% of their bodyweight. Please note that the dog's diets were not altered during this time frame. The current leader is "Copper." He is a bassett hound that has lost 2.5% of his bodyweight after only 4 weeks. Before starting the clinical trial he was already walking 7 days a week for 30 minutes. Just adding the TrimDog Weight Belt to his walks allowed him to overcome his weight loss plateau. Looking forward to the next weigh-in and more lost pounds. We also had one dog named Fate who's owner decided to try the entire TrimDog Weight Loss System and altered her diet in addition to using the TrimDog Weight Belt. The result: Fate went from 13.4pds, to 11.2 in 4 weeks. WoW! Go TrimDogs!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Holiday Sale!

Give your dog the gift of health this year. Save 15% off the purchase of the TrimDog Weight Loss System. Offer valid till Jan 1. Just enter coupon code "holiday15" at checkout at http://www.shop.trimdog.com/. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!