Thursday, April 21, 2011

What if YOU could ADD 2 years to your dog's LIFE?

You can. Studies have shown that dogs that maintain a healthy weight using diet and exercise can live up to 2 years longer (14 in dog years:) Your pup deserves the opportunity to live a long and healthy life. Don't worry, its not as hard as you think.

TrimDog can help your dog reach their goals sooner by allowing them to burn more calories per walk. That's right. No need to run with your dog. Just turn their walks into calorie burning sessions with the TrimDog exercise belt.

The TrimDog exercise belt can be used with any weight management food to achieve lasting manageable weight loss in a matter of weeks. Dogs that exercise to burn fat and gain muscle maintain their weight loss significantly better than those that use dieting alone. You can also take advantage of our personalized diet plans that help you determine the ideal serving sizes with your dog's current food to jump start their weight loss program. No need to stop giving your dog treats. (I know my Lily would never let me hear the end of it if we took her treats away.) Instead, learn how to combine healthy treat alternatives with smaller regular treats to keep your pup smiling, but TRIM.

Try the healthy, new approach to dog weight loss and see the difference.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Success Story

Yeah Scout! TrimDog is rooting for you. The post below is compliments of Aiken Pet Fitness and Rehabilitation located in Aiken, SC. "Scout the beagle is finally losing weight. He has now lost 7% of his body weight and is still in the running for the 'Biggest Loser'. He is walking daily with the TrimDog weight belt. If you walk your dog for fitness and weight loss this is a great product. Come in and we'll fit your dog for one." We love to read about new success stories. Please send us your photos and testimonials so we can share with others.

Monday, April 11, 2011

TrimDog featured in Fido Friendly Blog

Read what Jed Schiable, DVM of had to say after interviewing TrimDog's founder, Ike Kinlaw.

Read full interview:

(A note from the TrimDog staff, "Every TrimDog exercise belt weighs no more than 2% of a dog's weight. It has been endorsed and determined to be safe and effective by Canine Orthopedic Surgeons, Canine Physical Therapists, and many practicing veterinarians. There is yet to be a documented case where the TrimDog exercise belt has caused any harm to a dog during use.")

Saturday, April 9, 2011

TrimDog goes North

TrimDog is proud to announce that we now have multiple veterinarians in Canada recommending the TrimDog exercise belt to their patients to help them get fit and healthy.

Veterinarians, if you are looking for a healthy, new approach to dog weight loss just email us at to request some additional information and samples.