Saturday, July 30, 2011

TrimDog is your dog's choice for natural weight loss

Where TrimDog began, "Atlantic Animal Hospital", Wilmington, NC

A TrimDog is a dog that is fit and healthy. Studies have shown that dogs that maintain a healthy weight can add nearly 2 years to their lives (1). If your dog struggles with weight problems, look no further. Supercharge your dog’s weight loss by walking with the TrimDog exercise belt just a few times per week. The TrimDog exercise belt is both clinically tested and veterinarian approved. Dogs that walk with the TrimDog exercise belt lose 4 times more weight than walking alone(2). TrimDog is your dog’s choice for natural weight loss.

(1)JAVMA, Vol 220, No. 9, May1 2002
(2)JARVM, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Overweight Dogs can now Lose Weight 4 times Faster

Atlantic Animal Hospital and Pet Care Resort

Coastal K-9 Bakery

The next generation TrimDog exercise belts are slowing reaching the shelves. The TrimDog exercise belt is a key component in the TrimDog Weight Loss System. The TrimDog exercise belt is clinically tested to help dogs burn 4 times more calories than walking alone. Pick up your TrimDog Weight Loss System today at your local veterinarian or pet boutique and help your dog get fit and healthy.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Learn more about the TrimDog Exercise Belt

The TrimDog Exercise Belt is ergonomically designed for both comfort and performance and is 100% dog-friendly. The belt has been tested for weight loss on dogs ranging from 2-10 years of age deemed healthy enough by their veterinarian to walk regularly. The belt is made of materials that are water-proof and durable. The weights are filled with corn for added safety in case of exposure.

The TrimDog Exercise Belt acts as a 360 degree compression bandage around the ribcage. This prevents the weight from resting on the vertebrae of the back preventing spinal compression that is caused from regular doggie backpacks.

The TrimDog Exercise Belt has a chest strap located around the front of the dog to further prevent any movement of the belt during exercise. It is especially important with short-haired breeds and agility dogs training with the belt.

The weights of the belt are angled away from the dog's legs to make sure they do not impede the dog's gait.

The TrimDog Exercise belt is the only safe method for canines to provide low-impact resistance training to be used for weight loss or rehabilitation. The weight of the belt represents no more than 2.5% of their body weight relevant to their body size. This is the minimal amount of weight needed to increase a dog's heart rate to burn more calories during low/moderate paced walking. Dogs that walk wearing the the TrimDog Exercise Belt burn lose 4 times more weight than dogs that walk without it. If your dog is overweight, now is the time to jump start their weight loss with the revolutionary TrimDog Exercise Belt. Buy Now

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dog Arthritis and Common Solutions

Lets talk about one of the largest epidemics effecting the vast majority of dogs. Arthritis in dogs can be caused by obesity, traumatic injuries, age, breed, and hereditary to name just a few. What can be done to prevent this debilitating disease from preventing your best friend from living a healthy life? In many cases, to control the pain on a short-term basis different brands of anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed by your veterinarian. For long term management of arthritis your dog should embark on a weight loss program to minimize the stress on their joints.

The weight loss program should not only consist of dietary changes but must include exercise for optimal results. To relate the benefits of walking to help relieve the aches and pains of arthritis, think of a common comparison when traveling in your car. On long road trips most people experience stiffness and aches and pains in their hips and knees. After getting out of the car you notice in just a few minutes of walking a decrease in pain. This decrease in pain is caused by the increase of blood flow to the joints providing an increase in lubrication and thus mobility. The benefits of walking are far greater than most people believe. Dogs suffering from arthritis should start a walking regimen to reap all the benefits of exercise.

What about dog's who have arthritis not from obesity but from previous traumatic injuries. If a person injuries their knee, shoulder, elbow, etc.; low impact resistance training is recommend to strengthen the muscles, tendons, and ligaments to stabilize the joint and increase mobility. These same principle have been used with dogs to help achieve a higher level of fitness post injury.

If your serious about your dog's health consider safely supercharging your dog's walk with the TrimDog exercise belt. An ergonomically designed exercise belt that your dog wears while walking to burn more calories and strengthen their muscles. Walking with the TrimDog exercise belt combines calorie burning, low-intensity cardio with low-impact, joint-friendly resistance training to safely strengthen the muscles around the joint to increase stability and mobility. The TrimDog exercise belt has been recommended by both orthopedic veterinarian surgeons and canine physical therapists has a safe and effective means of exercise to help your dog get fit and healthy.

Is TrimDog right for your dog? If your dog has been cleared by your veterinarian to walk regularly then their is no reason you cannot use the TrimDog exercise belt to help your dog lose weight faster.

To review, if you are looking for solutions for your dog to control their arthritis, consider a weight loss program that includes weighted walking and dietary changes in addition to using any anti-inflammatory medicines prescribed by your veterinarian.

Next time your ailing dog looks at you asking for help to ease their pain; remember this article.
It is now up to you to make the right decision.

TrimDog Weight Loss System

Monday, July 4, 2011

Overweight Dogs can now Lose Weight and Keep it Off

Overweight dogs have been in need of a healthy, new approach to dog weight loss for many years. The current focus to achieving weight loss has been a starvation approach using weight management food or diet food used to reduce the amount of calories while using fillers to create the sense of fullness for your dog after meals. Although weight management food is a temporary means to reduce your dog's weight; it is not designed to be a long term weight management solution. As a pet parent you will eventually need to learn how to use portion control and exercise to keep your dog fit and healthy. The TrimDog Weight Loss System includes: the revolutionary TrimDog exercise belt to help your dog maximize every calorie-burning opportunity, an online nutrition consultation to learn how to create a diet to help your dog lose weight and keep it off safely using any brand of dog food you and your veterinarian choose, and also an easy to use weight loss guide to teach you how to personalize your dog's weight loss program to allow them to live a long and healthy life. TrimDog is the only all-inclusive weight loss system designed to help your dog walk less, lose more, and keep it off ,without emptying your wallet. Order Now and your dog will be a TrimDog for the rest of their life:)