Friday, December 30, 2011

The TrimDog Weight Loss System combines the calorie-burning benefits of walking with the patent-pending TrimDog Exercise Belt and our veterinarian approved diet recommendations that teach you the proper amount of dog food to feed your dog to Help Your Dog Get Fit and Healthy!

                        5 Reasons to Consider Adding TrimDog to your Weight Loss Program

1.  Dogs can slightly increase the intensity of their walks using TrimDog, resulting in more calories burned without a need to change the duration or frequency of their walking regimen. Walking with a weighted vest can increase the metabolic costs, relative exercise intensity, and loading of the skeletal system during walking (Puthoff, ACSM, 2006).

Benefit to You:   TrimDog will help your dog lose more, without walking more or longer: 30 minutes, 3 times
                          per week is sufficient

2. Dogs can burn more calories per walk while maintaining their normal slow/moderate walking pace preferred by the pet parent. Dogs that walked wearing the TrimDog Exercise Belt lost 4% of their bodyweight while dogs that walked without TrimDog lost only 1% (Rohrer, JARVM, 2011).

Benefit to You:  TrimDog will help your dog lose more weight without having to walk faster each walk

3. The average HR of a dog walking while wearing the TrimDog Exercise Belt increases 10-15% more than walking without TrimDog providing additional aerobic benefits. (Rohrer, HR Clinical Trial, 2011) Throughout a large portion of aerobic exercise, a linear relationship exists between heart rate intensity of the exercise and the oxygen consumption (and therefore caloric expenditure). Increased HR during exercise = Increased oxygen consumption = Increased calories burned.

Benefit to You:  TrimDog will help your dog strengthen their heart and lungs while losing weight as oppose to
                         just dieting alone for weight loss

4. The TrimDog Exercise Belt is safe for any dog who is considered healthy enough to walk regularly. Exercising with lead-weighted jackets resulted in increased bone mass and reduces bone loss during aging. (Pg 151) Low Impact weight-bearing exercise with lead-weighted jackets does not cause alterations of articular cartilage that might lead to joint degeneration. (Pg 121) “Canine Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy”, Millis, Levine, Taylor

Benefit to You:  Walking with TrimDog can reduce bone loss caused by aging without harming your dog's

5. Dozens of testimonials from satisfied pet parents and veterinarians who have successfully used TrimDog to help their dog or patients lose weight. “We love this product! It's simple, effective and easy to use. Not only do we recommend them for weight loss, we have rehab patients use it to build strength in the rear legs.” Dr. Sybil Davis, DVM, CCRP (Class of 2007).    More Testimonials

Benefit to You:   TrimDog's many success stories and veterinarian endorsements gives you peace of mind
                          that TrimDog is a safe, proven method to help your dog lose weight

The TrimDog Weight Loss System includes: 

 - TrimDog Exercise Belt

 - Weight Loss Guide (CD-ROM)

 - Online support with dog weight loss specialist

Stop wasting time with dog weight loss programs that don't work.

Try the TrimDog Weight Loss System today Risk-Free with our 30-Day Money-back Guarantee!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Applications of the TrimDog Exercise Belt in Canine Rehabilitation

*All Sample Applications of the TrimDog Exercise Belt should be used under the direction of a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner and your veterinarian*

"Gizmo has been using the TrimDog belt to strengthen his rear legs.  He had back surgery and his walking ability has improved greatly since his last visit."

Dr. Sybil Davis, DVM, Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner

Osteoarthritis Home Care Program

Heat Belt in microwave for recommended time (see insert) and place on arthritic joints for 15 minutes to warm up the joints prior to short leash walks or to provide temporary pain-relief  throughout the day.

Post-op Extracapsular Cranial Cruciate Ligament Repair

Belt may be worn in the latter half of Step 2 (Early weight-bearing) using short 15-30 sec walks with the belt worn towards the rear to promote increased hypertrophy in the hind legs.  Early on this exercise can be used as an alternative to inclines if excessive hip and knee extension is painful when walking up inclines.  During Step 3 (Consistent Weight-bearing) and Step 4 (Consistent Weight-bearing at a trot) Belt walking with the belt displaced towards the rear can be used interchangeably with inclines to develop the hind leg muscles and short-timed walks 1-3 minutes can be used at home for additional strengthening during non-clinic days.   The belt can also be heated and worn at home to prepare the muscles for exercise prior to prescribed short-leash walks on non-clinic days.

Post-op for TPLO

Belt can be heated and worn on desired area to warm-up tissues prior to short leash walk during Step 2 (Discharge from hospital to 3 weeks after surgery) and Step 3.  During Step 4 (6-8 weeks after surgery)  Belt walks with belt towards rear for 15 sec intervals can be rotated with walking up inclines or stairs to strengthen rear limb muscles.  During Step 5 (9-12 weeks out) .  Timed walks with belt towards rear can be increased working up to 3-5 minutes multiple times per week at home and belt may be added to Sit-to-Stand Exercises for 5 repetition sets ( 2 sets total) when 20 repetitions of bodyweight can be done with proper form to further increase muscle mass.

Post-op FHO

Step 2:  Early Weight-bearing- After acute inflammation has subsided Belt can be heated and worn on desired area to warm-up tissues prior to short leash walk.  During Step 3: (Consistent Weight-bearing) Belt walking for 15-30 sec with the belt towards the rear can be used in place of inclines to develop the hind leg muscles.  Step 3-Step:  Timed walks with belt towards rear can be done working up to 1-5 minutes at a time for multiple times per week at home and belt may be added to Sit-to-Stand Exercises for 5 repetition sets  (2 sets total) when 20 repetitions of bodyweight can be done with proper form to further increase muscle mass.

Weight Loss

Multiple walks with the Belt can be done per week for weight loss on dogs that are deemed healthy enough for regular walking programs.  Dogs with noticeable OA symptoms should experience enough of a weight loss to allow pain-free exercise prior to using the Belt.

Other Uses:

Timed Walks with Belt placed towards the rear or added to Sit-to-stand exercises to promote muscular strength and to stimulate hind leg development are appropriate in orthopedic cases after the canine has progressed to Consistent Weight-bearing & Weight-bearing at a trot. 


Exercising with lead-weighted jackets resulted in increased bone mass and reduces bone loss during aging.  1- Pg 151

Low Impact weight-bearing exercise with lead-weighted jackets does not cause alterations of articular cartilage that might lead to joint degeneration. 1-Pg 121

When a dog wears a weighted backpack during sit-to-stand exercises, greater muscle force is required to rise to a standing position. 1- Pg 261 
       ( 1  -“Canine Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy”, Millis, Levine, Taylor)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dog Arthritis and Muscle Pain Relief using TrimDog

Heat Therapy with the TrimDog Exercise Belt

The TrimDog Exercise Belt can be used for home heat therapy for dog’s suffering from arthritis or to warm muscles prior to walking or before participating in sports such as agility trials. The weights are filled with corn which is an excellent conductor of heat. Place the TrimDog Exercise Belt in the microwave and heat for 25 seconds for an x-small or small belt, 35 seconds for a medium belt, and 45 seconds for a large or x-large. After heating, hold the outside portion of the belt firmly to the back of your hand for 1 minute to test the temperature of the belt. The belt can now be fastened directly onto the shoulders, hips, and hind leg muscles to provide targeted pain-relief.

For Hips & Hind Legs:

Turn the belt inside-out so the so the loops to hold the weights onto the belt are visible.
Place the weights over the area you wish to heat and Velcro the belt underneath the dog or above the dog as pictured below to achieve desired position. You may have to use the additional adjustment located on the opposite side of the Velcro to make it smaller to accommodate the smaller waist size of the dog. Then affix the long, skinny (normally chest straps) around the rear of the animal just underneath the tail. Leave the belt on for 5-15 minutes at a time.

For shoulders and upper front limbs

Turn the belt inside-out so the loops that hold the weights onto the belt are visible. Place the weights over the area you wish to provide heat and Velcro the belt underneath the dog. You may have to use the additional adjustment now located on top of the belt to make it smaller to accommodate the size of the dog. Then affix the long, skinny (chest straps) around the chest of the dog. If this does not cover the area you wish to provide heat. Rotate the belt to place it over the chest and then Velcro the main strap just behind the front legs. Then, affix the long, skinny straps over the back of the dog for a snug fit. Leave the belt on for 5-15 minutes at a time.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dog Weight Loss, What Should you be Doing?

Lets talk weight loss for dogs. You now have 2 choices. You can take a fish (a bag of weight management food) and your dog will lose a little weight temporarily OR you can learn to fish (The TrimDog Weight Loss System) and your dog will be fit and healthy for life. You must learn how to portion your dog's food and how much exercise is necessary to maintain a healthy weight. Shortcuts will result in a roller coaster journey that will only result in negative health consequences to your dog. Remember, dogs that maintain a healthy weight live up to 2 years longer. Choose the TrimDog Weight Loss System and learn to fish; give your dog a chance to be fit and healthy for life.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Incorporation of the TrimDog Exercise Belt with Hydrotherapy

The TrimDog Exercise Belt is now water-proof and can be used during hydrotherapy: to allow dogs to burn more calories while walking and still decrease the stress on the joints, maintain a more favorable knee angle as opposed to inclining the treadmill while recovering from knee injuries, to stimulate greater recruitment of Type II muscle fibers of the hind legs,and by wearing the belt towards the rear of the dog promoting weight-bearing through the hind legs.

Video filmed at Wilmington Animal Fitness & Rehabilitation

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Dogs lose Weight with TrimDog

*TrimDog Success Story* Spotlight

Meet Max. Max's mommy was concerned about his growing waistline. His diet was already far superior than most dog's because of his mommy's background as a Registered Dietitian. They exercised regularly but Max was still not at his ideal weight. Max's mommy decided to add the TrimDog exercise belt to his regular walks while maintaining his current diet. 6 weeks later, Max was reweighed at his veterinarian's office and had lost an incredible 5-6% of his body weight. Max is now on his way to living a longer, healthier life thanks to Max's mommy and her devotion to help Max get fit and healthy.

After 40 lbs

Before 42.5 lbs

"I love the TrimDog exercise belt, not only does it help to burn a few extra calories, it also gives Max the feeling that he is "working" so he feels that he has a purpose on his walks. He gets so excited when he sees the exercise belt come out of the closet. It's like he's saying, "Time to go to work." Max lost just over 5% of his body weight in 6 weeks.
Max's Mommy
Jennifer Smart, Washington D.C.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

TrimDog's Rainy Day Workout for Dogs

Rainy days don't have to stop you from exercising your dog. TrimDog's new rainy day workout will burn calories, build muscle, and give your dog the daily exercise needed for good health. Next time mother nature cancels your dog's walk, give TrimDog's rainy day workout a try. Check out our video for exercise descriptions and to learn more about TrimDog.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Dog Arthritis Remedy

Weight loss is a huge remedy for decreasing arthritic pain in dogs. Weight loss relieves pain in dogs by decreasing the everyday stress on the joints. NSAID pain medication is the most common method for decreasing arthritc pain in dogs but is not the preferred method for long term treatment. Weight loss in a dog of approximately 10% of their bodyweight can provide as much pain relief as giving NSAID pain medication. (Average weight loss with the TrimDog Weight Loss System is 3-5% of bodyweight in 6 weeks.) If your pet suffers from chronic athritis consider getting them started on a weight loss program as soon as possible so they can enjoy a fit and healthy life.

Friday, August 12, 2011

TrimDog Exercise Belt for Canine Rehabilitation and Weight Loss


TrimDog's role in canine rehabilitation continues to grow as innovative veterinarians like Dr. Sybil Davis, DVM of Aiken Pet Fitness and Rehabilitation, continue to find creative new uses to help dogs get fit and healthy. (Repost from Aiken Pet Fitness and Rehabilitation's Facebook page:) "Gizmo has been using the TrimDog weight belt to strengthen his rear legs. He had back surgery and his walking ability has improved greatly since his last visit. The hydrotherapy retrains him to walk a normal 4 beat gait." Other Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioners like Dianne Logan of Wilmington Animal Fitness and Rehabilitation Center have been using the TrimDog exercise belt to maximize the amount of calories burned during treadmill walking to help overweight dogs lose weight more efficiently. With the help of some of the world's top canine health care practitioners, the TrimDog exercise belt is swiftly becoming the next big thing to help dogs get fit and healthy. We are proud to announce the upcoming release of our new DVD demonstrating the many applications of the TrimDog exercise belt in both physical therapy and weight management programs.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

TrimDog is your dog's choice for natural weight loss

Where TrimDog began, "Atlantic Animal Hospital", Wilmington, NC

A TrimDog is a dog that is fit and healthy. Studies have shown that dogs that maintain a healthy weight can add nearly 2 years to their lives (1). If your dog struggles with weight problems, look no further. Supercharge your dog’s weight loss by walking with the TrimDog exercise belt just a few times per week. The TrimDog exercise belt is both clinically tested and veterinarian approved. Dogs that walk with the TrimDog exercise belt lose 4 times more weight than walking alone(2). TrimDog is your dog’s choice for natural weight loss.

(1)JAVMA, Vol 220, No. 9, May1 2002
(2)JARVM, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Overweight Dogs can now Lose Weight 4 times Faster

Atlantic Animal Hospital and Pet Care Resort

Coastal K-9 Bakery

The next generation TrimDog exercise belts are slowing reaching the shelves. The TrimDog exercise belt is a key component in the TrimDog Weight Loss System. The TrimDog exercise belt is clinically tested to help dogs burn 4 times more calories than walking alone. Pick up your TrimDog Weight Loss System today at your local veterinarian or pet boutique and help your dog get fit and healthy.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Learn more about the TrimDog Exercise Belt

The TrimDog Exercise Belt is ergonomically designed for both comfort and performance and is 100% dog-friendly. The belt has been tested for weight loss on dogs ranging from 2-10 years of age deemed healthy enough by their veterinarian to walk regularly. The belt is made of materials that are water-proof and durable. The weights are filled with corn for added safety in case of exposure.

The TrimDog Exercise Belt acts as a 360 degree compression bandage around the ribcage. This prevents the weight from resting on the vertebrae of the back preventing spinal compression that is caused from regular doggie backpacks.

The TrimDog Exercise Belt has a chest strap located around the front of the dog to further prevent any movement of the belt during exercise. It is especially important with short-haired breeds and agility dogs training with the belt.

The weights of the belt are angled away from the dog's legs to make sure they do not impede the dog's gait.

The TrimDog Exercise belt is the only safe method for canines to provide low-impact resistance training to be used for weight loss or rehabilitation. The weight of the belt represents no more than 2.5% of their body weight relevant to their body size. This is the minimal amount of weight needed to increase a dog's heart rate to burn more calories during low/moderate paced walking. Dogs that walk wearing the the TrimDog Exercise Belt burn lose 4 times more weight than dogs that walk without it. If your dog is overweight, now is the time to jump start their weight loss with the revolutionary TrimDog Exercise Belt. Buy Now

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dog Arthritis and Common Solutions

Lets talk about one of the largest epidemics effecting the vast majority of dogs. Arthritis in dogs can be caused by obesity, traumatic injuries, age, breed, and hereditary to name just a few. What can be done to prevent this debilitating disease from preventing your best friend from living a healthy life? In many cases, to control the pain on a short-term basis different brands of anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed by your veterinarian. For long term management of arthritis your dog should embark on a weight loss program to minimize the stress on their joints.

The weight loss program should not only consist of dietary changes but must include exercise for optimal results. To relate the benefits of walking to help relieve the aches and pains of arthritis, think of a common comparison when traveling in your car. On long road trips most people experience stiffness and aches and pains in their hips and knees. After getting out of the car you notice in just a few minutes of walking a decrease in pain. This decrease in pain is caused by the increase of blood flow to the joints providing an increase in lubrication and thus mobility. The benefits of walking are far greater than most people believe. Dogs suffering from arthritis should start a walking regimen to reap all the benefits of exercise.

What about dog's who have arthritis not from obesity but from previous traumatic injuries. If a person injuries their knee, shoulder, elbow, etc.; low impact resistance training is recommend to strengthen the muscles, tendons, and ligaments to stabilize the joint and increase mobility. These same principle have been used with dogs to help achieve a higher level of fitness post injury.

If your serious about your dog's health consider safely supercharging your dog's walk with the TrimDog exercise belt. An ergonomically designed exercise belt that your dog wears while walking to burn more calories and strengthen their muscles. Walking with the TrimDog exercise belt combines calorie burning, low-intensity cardio with low-impact, joint-friendly resistance training to safely strengthen the muscles around the joint to increase stability and mobility. The TrimDog exercise belt has been recommended by both orthopedic veterinarian surgeons and canine physical therapists has a safe and effective means of exercise to help your dog get fit and healthy.

Is TrimDog right for your dog? If your dog has been cleared by your veterinarian to walk regularly then their is no reason you cannot use the TrimDog exercise belt to help your dog lose weight faster.

To review, if you are looking for solutions for your dog to control their arthritis, consider a weight loss program that includes weighted walking and dietary changes in addition to using any anti-inflammatory medicines prescribed by your veterinarian.

Next time your ailing dog looks at you asking for help to ease their pain; remember this article.
It is now up to you to make the right decision.

TrimDog Weight Loss System

Monday, July 4, 2011

Overweight Dogs can now Lose Weight and Keep it Off

Overweight dogs have been in need of a healthy, new approach to dog weight loss for many years. The current focus to achieving weight loss has been a starvation approach using weight management food or diet food used to reduce the amount of calories while using fillers to create the sense of fullness for your dog after meals. Although weight management food is a temporary means to reduce your dog's weight; it is not designed to be a long term weight management solution. As a pet parent you will eventually need to learn how to use portion control and exercise to keep your dog fit and healthy. The TrimDog Weight Loss System includes: the revolutionary TrimDog exercise belt to help your dog maximize every calorie-burning opportunity, an online nutrition consultation to learn how to create a diet to help your dog lose weight and keep it off safely using any brand of dog food you and your veterinarian choose, and also an easy to use weight loss guide to teach you how to personalize your dog's weight loss program to allow them to live a long and healthy life. TrimDog is the only all-inclusive weight loss system designed to help your dog walk less, lose more, and keep it off ,without emptying your wallet. Order Now and your dog will be a TrimDog for the rest of their life:)

Monday, June 27, 2011

How to Help Your Dog Lose Weight This Year

According to the latest nationwide survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), 53 percent of adult dogs are classified as overweight or obese by their veterinarian.   What are pet parents to do to help their dog get fit and healthy.  The TrimDog Weight Loss System is the healthy, new approach to dog weight loss.  Why walk your dog, when you can walk your dog with a TrimDog Exercise Belt and burn 4 times more calories.  Let this year, be the year that your dog loses weight, so they can live a long a healthy life.  Buy your TrimDog Exercise Belt Now!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Doggie Backpacks, Are they Safe?

Doggie backpacks have been recommended by some members of the canine community as a safe way to increase a dog’s exercise. I humbly disagree with the generality of that belief. I do believe that increasing the intensity of a dog’s walk by slightly increasing the amount of weight a dog carries while walking does result in an increase in heart rate and in-turn burns more calories; however, the method in which the dog carries the weight is the most important variable to consider. We have learned through our children’s experience with inferior backpacks that improperly distributing the weight can cause unnecessary damage to the shoulders, neck, and spine. This same scenario is affecting our dogs with the gaining popularity of doggie backpacks. A doggie backpack is designed to allow the weight to rest on the spine creating unnatural spinal compression.
Downard Spinal Compression
Downward Pressure on Shoulders and Neck

There also seems to be no recommendations to what amount of weight is considered safe for a dog to carry. The TrimDog research department conducted a clinical trial to determine the increase in heart rate caused by having a moderately active dog carry a load equal to 2% of their bodyweight. The study found that the heart rate increased between 10-15% while walking at a slow/moderate pace. To put that into perspective, 2% of a 100 lb dog is 2 lbs. Some are suggesting a dog should carry a load of as a much as 10 pounds. Would you ever consider having your child carry unnecessary weight that could cause damage to their health? Then why would you do the same for your dog?

If your goal is to safely increase the intensity of your dog’s walk, why not consider an ergonomically tested, safer alternative. The TrimDog exercise belt is designed as a compression bandage to equally distribute the weight around the lower ribcage. This allows for no unnecessary jarring and prevents the weights from sliding side to side causing unnecessary stress to the spine. The amount of weight used in each belt is the minimal amount needed to successfully elevate the heart rate while walking to burn more calories.

(The "TrimDog Exercise Belt" demonstrating equal compression throughout the rib cage to safely distribute the weight)

Next time you are considering adding a doggie backpack to your dog for additional exercise, think again. You may be doing more harm than good.

Ike Kinlaw
Exercise Physiologist, BS
Inventor of the TrimDog Exercise Belt

Sunday, June 19, 2011

TrimDog success story update!

"Max has maintained his weight loss for almost one year with a change in diet and TRIMdog! Can't thank you enough..."


Saturday, June 11, 2011

TrimDog Exercise Belt for Overweight Dogs has just got Better

Coming Soon! The next generation of the TrimDog exercise belt. Same ergonomic design with two new improvements to better accommodate short-haired breeds and agility dogs. We are devoted to ensure a perfect fit the first time/every time with each TrimDog exercise belt we sell.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Radio Interview on WAAV 980AM with Founder, Ike Kinlaw

Click Here to be redirected to the radio interview with Ike Kinlaw on Marty Shirah's show on WAAV 980 AM. Marty Shirah's dog Brandy is just starting the TrimDog Weight Loss System and spoke with Ike about the healthy, new approach to dog weight loss.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

No time to walk your dog?

Walking your dog everyday is not always an option in today's fast pace world. One veterinarian has recommended a new approach for your dog to burn more calories at home. Have your dog wear the TrimDog exercise belt 1 hour per day around the house or in the backyard. For that 1 hour per day your dog will be burning more calories while walking with the belt on. Your dog will burn an extra 25-50 calories (depending on how active your dog is) each day. Combine this with a stricter diet and your pooch will be on the right track to becoming fit and healthy. Add in regular walking with TrimDog exercise belt and you will experience even greater weight loss. No matter what your schedule, TrimDog can help your dog get fit and healthy with our Patent-pending TrimDog exercise belt.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Overweight dogs have a new solution for weight loss

The journal paper, "A Randomized Trial Comparing the Weight Loss of Canines that Walked with and without the Trimdog Exercise Belt" has been published by the International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine. The TrimDog exercise belt's effectiveness to help dogs lose more weight is clinically tested and veterinarian approved.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What if YOU could ADD 2 years to your dog's LIFE?

You can. Studies have shown that dogs that maintain a healthy weight using diet and exercise can live up to 2 years longer (14 in dog years:) Your pup deserves the opportunity to live a long and healthy life. Don't worry, its not as hard as you think.

TrimDog can help your dog reach their goals sooner by allowing them to burn more calories per walk. That's right. No need to run with your dog. Just turn their walks into calorie burning sessions with the TrimDog exercise belt.

The TrimDog exercise belt can be used with any weight management food to achieve lasting manageable weight loss in a matter of weeks. Dogs that exercise to burn fat and gain muscle maintain their weight loss significantly better than those that use dieting alone. You can also take advantage of our personalized diet plans that help you determine the ideal serving sizes with your dog's current food to jump start their weight loss program. No need to stop giving your dog treats. (I know my Lily would never let me hear the end of it if we took her treats away.) Instead, learn how to combine healthy treat alternatives with smaller regular treats to keep your pup smiling, but TRIM.

Try the healthy, new approach to dog weight loss and see the difference.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Success Story

Yeah Scout! TrimDog is rooting for you. The post below is compliments of Aiken Pet Fitness and Rehabilitation located in Aiken, SC. "Scout the beagle is finally losing weight. He has now lost 7% of his body weight and is still in the running for the 'Biggest Loser'. He is walking daily with the TrimDog weight belt. If you walk your dog for fitness and weight loss this is a great product. Come in and we'll fit your dog for one." We love to read about new success stories. Please send us your photos and testimonials so we can share with others.

Monday, April 11, 2011

TrimDog featured in Fido Friendly Blog

Read what Jed Schiable, DVM of had to say after interviewing TrimDog's founder, Ike Kinlaw.

Read full interview:

(A note from the TrimDog staff, "Every TrimDog exercise belt weighs no more than 2% of a dog's weight. It has been endorsed and determined to be safe and effective by Canine Orthopedic Surgeons, Canine Physical Therapists, and many practicing veterinarians. There is yet to be a documented case where the TrimDog exercise belt has caused any harm to a dog during use.")

Saturday, April 9, 2011

TrimDog goes North

TrimDog is proud to announce that we now have multiple veterinarians in Canada recommending the TrimDog exercise belt to their patients to help them get fit and healthy.

Veterinarians, if you are looking for a healthy, new approach to dog weight loss just email us at to request some additional information and samples.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another TrimDog Success Story

Larry Dallas is our newest TrimDog. In just a few weeks Larry went from 32- 29pds. A 10% loss of bodyweight. Outstanding. Imagine a person losing 10% of their bodyweight in just a few weeks. You couldn't help but ask HOW? What he didn't do is change the brand of food, treats, or how many times a week he walks. He used the TrimDog Weight Loss System. TrimDog adjusted his portions to meet his caloric needs without causing excess. Larry then used the TrimDog Exercise Belt to burn more calories per walk to stimulate weight loss. What does Larry's mom have to say, "Larry has not been more fit or this active in years." Congratulations Larry Dallas. Your progress is just the beginning to a long and healthy life. Welcome to the TrimDog family:)

TrimDog featured in Veterinary Practice News this month

Trimdog Exercise Belt featured in this month's issue of Veterinary Practice News. The article was in the newsline section titled "Weight belt helps dogs shed pounds." One more step towards helping more dogs get fit and healthy.

Monday, March 21, 2011

TrimDog featured in News

The new TrimDog "Vet Kit" has arrived

Attention Veterinarians! The new TrimDog "Vet Kit" has arrived. Designed to make it simple to educate your patients and ensure proper fit of the TrimDog Execise Belt. The TrimDog "Vet Kit" is available at NO COST to all veterinarian offices. The TrimDog Weight Loss System and/or the TrimDog Exercise Belt is currently being prescribed for weight loss, as a rehabilitation aid, and for the prevention/treatment of osteoarthritis.

The "Vet Kit" includes:

  • Small/Medium/Large TrimDog Exercise Belt with one collar adaptor

  • Brochures and brochure stand

  • Measuring tape

  • Sizing Chart

  • Durable Plastic Tub

  • Lint Roller to keep belts clean

Veterinarian offices may email your mailing address and the doctor's name requesting the kit to to have your FREE "Vet Kit" shipped to your office today.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thinking about trying TrimDog to help your overweight dog lose weight?

Ask your vet if we would be right for your dog.
All veterinarians can request a FREE sample and informational packet so they can learn more about how we help dogs get fit and healthy.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sparky’s Weight Loss Diet Roller Coaster

What do the majority of dog owners with overweight dogs do to help their dogs lose weight? Well, from what I have seen it usually plays out something like this. You consult your veterinarian, they recommend a weight management food and some walking, you follow their recommendations for a month or two and Sparky loses weight. Since Sparky is no longer overweight you change back to an everyday brand of dog food following the bag guidelines. Then after another month he gains back a good portion of the weight he lost. Once again, your back where you started. Sparky still needs to lose weight. It is not that the weight management food did not do its job. It did. He lost weight. The problem is that you need to take measures to promote long term weight loss not a quick fix. People do the same approach with the newest fad diet with unsustainable results.
Well then, what should you do? Two things really. First off, add the TrimDog exercise belt to your dog’s walk while using the weight management food. The belt will allow your dog to burn more calories per walk to lose weight in a shorter period of time and it will also increase the amount of lean muscle mass your dog possesses. More lean muscle mass means a higher metabolism and more calories will be burned throughout the day. The TrimDog exercise belt is the only dog friendly exercise equipment available that can accomplish this feat. It is so effective, that some dog owners have achieved substantial weight loss without having to change their dog’s diet.
The next thing you need to do is to take measures to determine the correct portion size for your particular dog after they stop using weight management food. The bag guidelines are just that, guidelines. A 150 pd 40 year old female, does not necessarily have the same calorie needs as a 150 pd 22 year old male. Only trial and error of your brand of food will teach you how to determine what is right for your dog. If you’re not one for numbers don’t worry. The staff at TrimDog will complete a calorie count for your dog with every purchase of a TrimDog Weight Loss System.
Ok everyone let’s review. Sparky needs to lose weight. Consult your veterinarian, change to weight management food, and add the TrimDog exercise belt to his walks. Be consistent until he reaches the desired weight. Once he reaches that weight continue with regular walking using the TrimDog exercise belt. Switch to a good brand of regular dog food. Use the TrimDog staff to help find the right daily amount to feed him to maintain his new weight. Continue the same routine forever so Sparky can be fit and healthy for life. Give TrimDog a try and you will soon realize why we call ourselves the healthy, new approach to dog weight loss.

In good health,

Ike Kinlaw

Sunday, January 30, 2011

5 Myths of Dog Weight Loss

5 Myths of Dog Weight Loss

1. My dog gets plenty of exercise when we put him in the fenced backyard.

Your dog spends the majority of their time lounging and sleeping after you leave them in the backyard. They appear energetic when you return because they are happy to see you after being by themselves.

2. We don’t overfeed him but for some reason he tends to gain weight.

If you consume more calories than you burn then you gain weight. Pretty straightforward. You are overfeeding and under exercising your dog.

3. We do leave his food out all the time but he only eats (ex. 1 cup) each day?

Grazing is not acceptable, because dogs just like most people don’t stop eating when they should. That is one main reason for the U.S. being the most obese country in the world. You should use portion control to achieve maintainable weight loss.

4. We don’t feed that much people food? It must be something else making him gain weight?

People food is just that people food. The calorie content in people food and the fact that it is not made for dogs puts your dog at risk for many health problems including obesity. Don’t do it. There are many healthy treats to choose from instead.

5. We walk everyday but he doesn’t seem to lose any weight?

Taking your dog out to pee and poop is not walking your dog for weight loss. You should use a short leash and you walk them. Do not let them walk you. It is OK to stop a few times but it isn’t exercise if you don’t increase their heart rate more than normal. (To supercharge your dog’s walks, add the TrimDog exercise belt and burn 4 times more calories than walking alone.)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

TrimDog Exercise Belt Helps Dogs Shed Pounds

Pet Product News International recently wrote about our clinical trial results. The veterinarian community is slowly coming to the same conclusion. TrimDog is the healthy, new approach to dog weight loss. Quite a few veterinarians are recommending our TrimDog Weight Loss System be combined with their choice of Hill's Weight Management food with excellent results. By combining a walking regimen using the TrimDog Exercise Belt with a "weight managment food"; there is a decrease in the chance a dog will rebound after changing back to a normal brand of dog food. After stopping a diet many dogs gain all the weight back they lost. The TrimDog Exercise Belt allows dogs to gain more lean muscle mass to increase their metabolism to perform optimally. For those of you who are serious about your dog's health. Don't put them through a roller coaster of weight loss and weight gain. Choose the TrimDog Weight Loss System to get your dog fit and healthy for life...

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Science Behind the TrimDog Exercise Belt

The TrimDog Exercise Belt was created out of necessity to help my dog Lily loose weight without having to increase the frequency or duration of the walks. Without adjusting those two variables I knew the only way to stimulate the desired response was to increase the intensity. I stumbled across an article entitled: “The Effect of Weighted Vest Walking on Metabolic Responses and Ground Reaction Forces” that was conducted by The American College of Sports Medicine in 2006. This study concluded that using a weighted vest can increase the metabolic cost, relative exercise intensity, and loading of the skeletal system during walking. EUREKA! Simply by adding a small amount of weight I could increase the intensity of her walks; therefore increasing the total weekly workload necessary to induce the desired training effect. In this case, the training effect was to burn more calories each walk to lose more weight.
The TrimDog exercise belt is designed to distribute the weight safely through the chest girdle in the same manner as a harness. The weights are applied firmly to the dog to eliminate constant impact and jarring. They are also located safely away from the hip joints and appendages to allow unimpeded walking. The belt is applied to the back and is placed slightly towards the rear to allow for normal respiration.
Determining how much weight to use for each size dog was an interesting dilemma. Dogs are domesticated animals and do not have the opportunity to work their muscles outside of walking, running, and jumping on the furniture. People on the other hand, constantly engage different muscles by picking up their dog, taking out the trash, or carrying groceries. Testing revealed you can increase the load carried per dog by just 1-2% in addition to their bodyweight and create a substantial training effect. The stimulus created was large enough to engage the prime mover muscles of the hips, legs, and chest. This new stimulus will promote muscle tone and growth when carried out in conjunction with a healthy diet. The more muscle your dog possesses the higher its metabolism and the more efficient they will be in burning fat. Six ounces of weight for a small dog weighing under twenty pounds is equal to 2 and ½ percent of their total bodyweight. This small increase in total load while walking has resulted in excellent weight loss results on all dogs who have used the system with no adverse effects.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Proper Sizing of the TrimDog Exercise Belt

• The belt is designed to be worn at the junction of the chest and belly
• Do not measure or size the dog based on the measurement at the chest
(This will result in a patient choosing a belt that is too large)
• Always choose the smaller size if the patient is borderline between the recommended measurement
• Do not base sizing off of harness sizing, they are not related
• Do not use the 2 finger rule when sizing, belts must worn like a “band-aid” to prevent friction, jarring, and to ensure comfortable fit
Example Sizing:
Size X-Small
Any dog under 15 pds on average, Must order online
Size Small:
28pd Pug, 18 pd Shih-Tzu, 30pd Golden Doodle, 25 pd Dachsund
Size Medium:
Most Beagles, Most mix-breeds 30-50 pds
Size Large:
Labs, Golden Retrievers
Size X-Large:
Unless your dog weighs more than 120 pds a Large would work just fine

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The TrimDog Weight Loss System was recently mentioned in Veterinary Practice News magazine in the Top Shelf section (Products for veterinary professionals). Learn more..