Sunday, January 30, 2011

5 Myths of Dog Weight Loss

5 Myths of Dog Weight Loss

1. My dog gets plenty of exercise when we put him in the fenced backyard.

Your dog spends the majority of their time lounging and sleeping after you leave them in the backyard. They appear energetic when you return because they are happy to see you after being by themselves.

2. We don’t overfeed him but for some reason he tends to gain weight.

If you consume more calories than you burn then you gain weight. Pretty straightforward. You are overfeeding and under exercising your dog.

3. We do leave his food out all the time but he only eats (ex. 1 cup) each day?

Grazing is not acceptable, because dogs just like most people don’t stop eating when they should. That is one main reason for the U.S. being the most obese country in the world. You should use portion control to achieve maintainable weight loss.

4. We don’t feed that much people food? It must be something else making him gain weight?

People food is just that people food. The calorie content in people food and the fact that it is not made for dogs puts your dog at risk for many health problems including obesity. Don’t do it. There are many healthy treats to choose from instead.

5. We walk everyday but he doesn’t seem to lose any weight?

Taking your dog out to pee and poop is not walking your dog for weight loss. You should use a short leash and you walk them. Do not let them walk you. It is OK to stop a few times but it isn’t exercise if you don’t increase their heart rate more than normal. (To supercharge your dog’s walks, add the TrimDog exercise belt and burn 4 times more calories than walking alone.)

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