Sunday, January 30, 2011

5 Myths of Dog Weight Loss

5 Myths of Dog Weight Loss

1. My dog gets plenty of exercise when we put him in the fenced backyard.

Your dog spends the majority of their time lounging and sleeping after you leave them in the backyard. They appear energetic when you return because they are happy to see you after being by themselves.

2. We don’t overfeed him but for some reason he tends to gain weight.

If you consume more calories than you burn then you gain weight. Pretty straightforward. You are overfeeding and under exercising your dog.

3. We do leave his food out all the time but he only eats (ex. 1 cup) each day?

Grazing is not acceptable, because dogs just like most people don’t stop eating when they should. That is one main reason for the U.S. being the most obese country in the world. You should use portion control to achieve maintainable weight loss.

4. We don’t feed that much people food? It must be something else making him gain weight?

People food is just that people food. The calorie content in people food and the fact that it is not made for dogs puts your dog at risk for many health problems including obesity. Don’t do it. There are many healthy treats to choose from instead.

5. We walk everyday but he doesn’t seem to lose any weight?

Taking your dog out to pee and poop is not walking your dog for weight loss. You should use a short leash and you walk them. Do not let them walk you. It is OK to stop a few times but it isn’t exercise if you don’t increase their heart rate more than normal. (To supercharge your dog’s walks, add the TrimDog exercise belt and burn 4 times more calories than walking alone.)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

TrimDog Exercise Belt Helps Dogs Shed Pounds

Pet Product News International recently wrote about our clinical trial results. The veterinarian community is slowly coming to the same conclusion. TrimDog is the healthy, new approach to dog weight loss. Quite a few veterinarians are recommending our TrimDog Weight Loss System be combined with their choice of Hill's Weight Management food with excellent results. By combining a walking regimen using the TrimDog Exercise Belt with a "weight managment food"; there is a decrease in the chance a dog will rebound after changing back to a normal brand of dog food. After stopping a diet many dogs gain all the weight back they lost. The TrimDog Exercise Belt allows dogs to gain more lean muscle mass to increase their metabolism to perform optimally. For those of you who are serious about your dog's health. Don't put them through a roller coaster of weight loss and weight gain. Choose the TrimDog Weight Loss System to get your dog fit and healthy for life...

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Science Behind the TrimDog Exercise Belt

The TrimDog Exercise Belt was created out of necessity to help my dog Lily loose weight without having to increase the frequency or duration of the walks. Without adjusting those two variables I knew the only way to stimulate the desired response was to increase the intensity. I stumbled across an article entitled: “The Effect of Weighted Vest Walking on Metabolic Responses and Ground Reaction Forces” that was conducted by The American College of Sports Medicine in 2006. This study concluded that using a weighted vest can increase the metabolic cost, relative exercise intensity, and loading of the skeletal system during walking. EUREKA! Simply by adding a small amount of weight I could increase the intensity of her walks; therefore increasing the total weekly workload necessary to induce the desired training effect. In this case, the training effect was to burn more calories each walk to lose more weight.
The TrimDog exercise belt is designed to distribute the weight safely through the chest girdle in the same manner as a harness. The weights are applied firmly to the dog to eliminate constant impact and jarring. They are also located safely away from the hip joints and appendages to allow unimpeded walking. The belt is applied to the back and is placed slightly towards the rear to allow for normal respiration.
Determining how much weight to use for each size dog was an interesting dilemma. Dogs are domesticated animals and do not have the opportunity to work their muscles outside of walking, running, and jumping on the furniture. People on the other hand, constantly engage different muscles by picking up their dog, taking out the trash, or carrying groceries. Testing revealed you can increase the load carried per dog by just 1-2% in addition to their bodyweight and create a substantial training effect. The stimulus created was large enough to engage the prime mover muscles of the hips, legs, and chest. This new stimulus will promote muscle tone and growth when carried out in conjunction with a healthy diet. The more muscle your dog possesses the higher its metabolism and the more efficient they will be in burning fat. Six ounces of weight for a small dog weighing under twenty pounds is equal to 2 and ½ percent of their total bodyweight. This small increase in total load while walking has resulted in excellent weight loss results on all dogs who have used the system with no adverse effects.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Proper Sizing of the TrimDog Exercise Belt

• The belt is designed to be worn at the junction of the chest and belly
• Do not measure or size the dog based on the measurement at the chest
(This will result in a patient choosing a belt that is too large)
• Always choose the smaller size if the patient is borderline between the recommended measurement
• Do not base sizing off of harness sizing, they are not related
• Do not use the 2 finger rule when sizing, belts must worn like a “band-aid” to prevent friction, jarring, and to ensure comfortable fit
Example Sizing:
Size X-Small
Any dog under 15 pds on average, Must order online
Size Small:
28pd Pug, 18 pd Shih-Tzu, 30pd Golden Doodle, 25 pd Dachsund
Size Medium:
Most Beagles, Most mix-breeds 30-50 pds
Size Large:
Labs, Golden Retrievers
Size X-Large:
Unless your dog weighs more than 120 pds a Large would work just fine

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The TrimDog Weight Loss System was recently mentioned in Veterinary Practice News magazine in the Top Shelf section (Products for veterinary professionals). Learn more..